Wednesday, April 25, 2012

“You can make a living, or You can design a life.”

 3 Tips for success

“You can make a living, or You can design a life.”

The words of Jim Rohn resonated with me and echoed in my mind…
His quote rang so true to me at a time in my life where I was working at a job where I felt like Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer on the Island of Misfit Toys.

I was in a job where I felt I was not able to contribute in a way I wanted and I was working to build someone else’s dream.   I was making a living but felt like I did not belong where I was and I was ready to get off the island and design my life.
As luck would have it I got a chance to do just that when I was laid off of my job.  The lay off set into motion my plan to design my life.
To me designing my life meant that I had leverage, I had time freedom, I had financial freedom, I no longer had to spend time sitting in traffic, I got to spend time with my son and I could do something that contributed to the lives of others. With that list in mind a natural fit was internet and network marketing.
You might be in the same place I was and you want to design your life.  You may even feel like you want to create the freedoms that internet and network marketing affords.   I have learned a whole lot of lessons on this journey and while there is a big learning curve working online is so worth it.  I think that learning curve can be cut down drastically if you can learn a few valuable lessons early.  I want to share with you some insights and things I have learned that have really helped me.
Here is a list of 3 things  I have found the most important in building a business online.
Focus I will be honest this one is not always easy but if you can master getting focused I am truly convinced you can create the life you want.  It is hard to design a life and create an online business when you don’t have focus on what you want and where you want to end up.
Like Lewis Caroll said, “If you don’t know where you are going any road will get you there”.Focus is so important because without it the many distractions you will encounter can easily derail you and get you off track.  If you don’t have focus it is far too easy to spend your time doing things that aren’t important and saying yes to things you shouldn’t say yes to.
Learning the 80/20 principle If you learn this early I think this can be a game changer for your business.  This principle basically says that 80% of your results come from 20% of your activity and 80% of your results will come from 20% of your team and so on.  The powerful thing about this is when you know the 20% that produces results you can spend more time focusing on those things.
Create quality connections I have found creating quality connections is so important in business.
In the age of automation for practically everything it is so tempting to try and put your business on autopilot.
In social media the lure of creating a large following seems appealing but having a lot of followers don’t matter if you are not engaging with your followers.
Followers mean nothing if no one is paying attention to you.
I think it is more important to have quality connections because people want to do business they know, like and trust.
Creating quality connections gives you leverage and pretty much anything can be accomplished when you have a team working together, when you are the lone wolf it is not so easy.  It is true that building quality connections takes time but if you are planning to be in business for the long haul it is absolutely worth it.
Although each internet marketer’s situation and circumstance is unique, one common factor remains:  To achieve a life that you designed rather than working to fulfill someone else’s dream.  Incorporating the techniques mentioned above, you will able to focus and gain the confidence you need to run a successful Internet-based business.
 ”Here is to your success and I’ll being seeing you soon.

Angela Paige

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